Javier Cámara-Rica 🐝🇪🇸

hace 7 años · 2 min. de lectura · ~10 ·

Blog de Javier
Ladies and Gentlemen... The beBee Gees!

Ladies and Gentlemen... The beBee Gees!

We told you we listen to our userbase, so we decided to do what you wanted ;)

We hope you enjoy it. We worked hard for you! Have a great week bees !

EN: Ladies and Gentlemen... The fabulous beBee Gees !

ES: Damas y Caballeros, tengo el placer de presentaros a los fabulosos beBee Gees.

PT: Senhoras e Senhores, orgulhosamente apresentamos: Os fabulosos "beBee Gees"!

DE: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe das Vergnügen, Ihnen die großartigen "beBee Gees" vorzustellen! 

FR: Mesdames et Messieurs... J'ai le plaisir de vous présenter les fabuleuses "beBee Gees" ! 
IT: Signori e signore...ecco a voi i fantastici "beBee Gees"!


Juan beBee-Gee, Javier beBee-Gee and Fede beBee-Gee

Enjoy the video !!! 

be our ambassador

beBee. be Professional. be Personal. be Successful



beBee is the world's most dynamic professional social network. Individuals can create an appealing personal brand by combining their professional resume with their personal interests. Our innovative approach to networking facilitates a vibrant job placement and hiring environment for both individuals and organizations. We help build significant professional relationships, provide the ideal platform for sharing ideas and content and create economic opportunity for everyone.


beBee es la red social profesional más dinámica del mundo. Los usuarios pueden crear una marca personal atractiva combinando su perfil profesional con sus intereses personales. Nuestra visión innovadora del networking crea un entorno de búsqueda de empleo y de contratación eficiente tanto para usuarios particulares como para empresas. Ayudamos a construir relaciones profesionales valiosas a través de una plataforma ideal para compartir ideas y contenido, creando oportunidades económicas para todos.


O beBee é a rede social profissional mais dinâmica do mundo. Os usuários podem criar uma marca pessoal atrativa combinando seu perfil profissional com seus interesses pessoais. Nossa visão inovadora sobre o networking gera um espaço de procura de emprego e de contratação eficiente tanto para pessoas quanto para empresas. Ajudamos a construir relações profissionais valiosas através de uma plataforma ideal para compartilhar conteúdo e ideias, criando oportunidades para todos.


beBee est le réseau social professionnel le plus dynamique du monde. Les utilisateurs peuvent créer une marque personnelle attrayante en combinant leur profil professionnel avec leurs intérêts personnels. Notre vision novatrice du réseau crée un environnement de recherche d'emploi et de recrutement efficace tant pour les utilisateurs particuliers que pour les entreprises. Nous aidons à construire des relations professionnelles précieuses via une plateforme idéale pour partager des idées et du contenu, en créant des opportunités économiques pour tous. ================================================================================================

beBee è il social network professionale più dinamico del mondo. Gli utenti possono creare una marca personale di successo combinando il proprio profilo professionale con interessi personali. La nostra visione innovativa del networking crea un contesto efficiente per la ricerca del lavoro e le assunzioni sia per gli utenti privati sia per le aziende. Contribuiamo alla costruzione di rapporti professionali di valore per mezzo di una piattaforma perfetta per condividere idee e contenuti, che crea così opportunità economiche per tutti.
beBee  ist  das dynamischste Beruf- und Sozialnetzwerk weltweit. Die Nutzer  können  eine attraktive persönliche Marke erstellen, in dem  sie ihr Arbeits-profil und ihre Hobbies  verknüpfen . Unsere innovative Networking-Vorstellung schöpft eine effiziente Umgebung für die Arbeitssuche und Einstellung, sowohl für Privatpersonen als auch für Firmen.  Durch einer ideellen Plattform für Inhalt und Ideen helfen wir kostbar e Arbeitsbeziehungen zu errichten; während wirtschaftliche Chancen für alle entstehen.


What is beBee?

beBee is the next big thing in professional social networking. Our mission is to create a professional world that is more open and connected. beBee is disrupting professional social networking by establishing connections through passions and common interests that create more professional engagement and deeper and more successful business relationships.

Juan Imaz nos de la alegría de lo que tiene entre manos, hacemos una en toda regla :-)
Qué bien lo pasamos eh ! Federico \ud83d\udc1d \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn

Bill Stankiewicz

hace 7 años #78

Captain Javier, full speed ahead WARP FACTOR 10 for beBee.com, Hold onto your seats Admiral @Claire L 🐝 Cardwell, @Cristian 🐝 Randieri, PhD Founder & CEO of Intellisystem.it Randieri.com, we are blasting off, next stop Apple new Headquarters in California!!! regards, Bill Stankiewicz

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 7 años #77

Espiritu beBee en estado puro !! Disfrutarlo

Irene 🐝 Rodriesco

hace 7 años #76


🐝 Fatima G. Williams

hace 7 años #75

I want one too Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange I'll probably make myself one.

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 7 años #74

Jajajjajajajajaja, esto es empezar el día con Alegría !!!!

Irene 🐝 Rodriesco

hace 7 años #73

I love this video, it's super fun, will there be more? 😉😂

Irene 🐝 Rodriesco

hace 7 años #72

No os librais, al was que vais.

Bill Stankiewicz

hace 7 años #71

love the bee's & bee Gees!!

Irene 🐝 Rodriesco

hace 7 años #70

Me parto, me mondo y me troncho. Con el video y los comentarios. Lo ví por primera vez en diciembre y entonces todavía no sabia usar la red, ahora algo más, a la colmena, que zumbe para que lo vean las nuevas abejas. Sois lo más equipoooo 😘.

Lisa Gallagher

hace 7 años #69

Hi @deb lange (sorry my tagging isn't working) Here is a link about the beBee store with links to each store. https://www.bebee.com/producer/@javierbebee/bebee-store

Ali Anani

hace 7 años #68

It is great to make beBee the land of joy. It is

Joel Anderson

hace 7 años #67

Then on that note: ¿Cómo se llama un duende con patillas largas? Elfis

Lisa Gallagher

hace 7 años #66

I never tire of seeing this video... so much fun!

Julio Angel 🐝Lopez Lopez

hace 7 años #65

Mejor mas alegre, Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee Ojo. con esa coreografía y look https://youtu.be/SZShWobTO_c y tengo el vinilo de 45rpm

Julio Angel 🐝Lopez Lopez

hace 7 años #64

Se ve Federico \ud83d\udc1d \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn para cuando Tragedy. jajaja

Lisa Gallagher

hace 7 años #63

ha ha, love it!

Pedro 🐝 Casanova

hace 7 años #62

Well there is another Bee Gees tune....that would suit the Be Bees... "Hive Talking" ( originally Jive talking). C´mon guys let me see your moves ....And please ...have @Mamen Delgado doing the intro...her husky-sexy voice would bring all those " abejorros " ( "drones " ...wikipedia dixit ) And then @Juan Imaz, @Javier Cámara-Rica, @Federico Álvarez San Martín, shaking their hips will bring the rest of the sexy " Bees " that are flooding our Hives...what a HIT

Lisa Gallagher

hace 7 años #61

LOL Chas Wyatt! Awesome share ;-)
🐝 🇧️ 🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🐝🐝 🇧️ 🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🐝🐝 🇧️ 🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🐝🐝 🇧️ 🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🐝🐝 🇧️ 🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🐝🐝 🇧️ 🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🐝🐝 🇧️ 🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🇿️🐝

Alfredo Vela Zancada

hace 7 años #59

Las dos sería genial ;-) #132

Alfredo Vela Zancada

hace 7 años #58

Propongo Dancing Queen de Abba para el siguiente ;)

Pedro 🐝 Casanova

hace 7 años #57

We ( my siblings) call her ( Tata ) " la marmota" ( the groundhog or marmort ) ...Maybe those Bisontes cigs were not all tobacco after all....cough cough....this topic is making my room filling with a dense smoke...can anyone open a window please......

Mamen 🐝 Delgado

hace 7 años #56

Hahahaha!! LOL!! As John Vaughan says, yessss... (cough, cough...) ;)

Pedro 🐝 Casanova

hace 7 años #55

@mamen-delgado GIRL¡¡¡¡¡... I ve never smoked in my whole life. Maybe because growing up in such environement. . About "funny " writing ...am not...funny...am just a living " magnet " for weirdness, unusuals and pathetic low life people that comes to me like a " Bee " goes to a " flower" ( like YOU ) ;-)

Mamen 🐝 Delgado

hace 7 años #54

INNFORMATE CENTRO DE FORMACION, probably your "inspiration" when you write so funnily comes from breathing the smoke of "Bisontes" at that early age. There are some things in life which are difficult to get rid of... and for sure that smoke is one of them... 😂

Pedro 🐝 Casanova

hace 7 años #53

I was a kid in 71 ..with a " tata" ( maid ) that smoked " Bisontes " ...no wonder she was like " dizzy " all the time.

Jim Murray

hace 7 años #52

You guys are a hoot. No wonder everybody I know in Canada wants to live in Spain.
LOL !!! hahaha
we can sound like wolves , like bulls (spaniards), .... whatever you like ! ;-)

Sara Jacobovici

hace 7 años #49

Love it!!! You guys ROCK. Great spirit and creativity. One great way of "Stayin' Alive"!

Matt Sweetwood

hace 7 años #48

I can't stop humming the song in my head - and seeing Juan Imaz in those outfits. beBee Gees got style, rhythm and the best damn social media platform on earth.

Matt Sweetwood

hace 7 años #47

I can'y stop humming the song in my head. And seeing Juan Imaz in those outfits. beBee gees got style and rhythm. ... and balls ;D

Lisa Gallagher

hace 7 años #46

You made a great point Hugo Chinchilla & I couldn't agree more!! :))

Hugo Chinchilla

hace 7 años #45

That's the reason why I love beBee so much, you're never going to see a guy Like Zuckerberg doing thinks like that. You guys are the best

Sarah Elkins

hace 7 años #44

Absolutely delicious, beBee Gees! Love love love this!

Milos Djukic

hace 7 años #43

Fractal art, no doubt about it.

Milos Djukic

hace 7 años #42

Javier C\u00e1mara Rica :)

Lisa Gallagher

hace 7 años #41

Again, in case you missed this- a must see!

Lisa Gallagher

hace 7 años #40

Their profile photo's, I'm still dying laughing! Sus fotos de perfil , todavía estoy muriendo de risa !

Mamen 🐝 Delgado

hace 7 años #39


Lisa Gallagher

hace 7 años #38

This was the best!! Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for showing us your fun side(s). Thank you for having fun and sharing it with all of us!! I smiled and laughed so hard. It's so nice to see Professionals that are able to let their hair down (pun intended) LOL. You guys are great Javier C\u00e1mara Rica and team beBee!!

CityVP Manjit

hace 7 años #37

Really Good! Make Mamen Delgado the fourth BeeGee - after all they were originally Four, even if three were the main core of the Brothers Gibb.
Federico \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn aquí nadie supera a nadie. Los beBee-Gees son tres y no se entienden sin uno de ellos !! :)

Noël De Castro

hace 7 años #35

Es genial me he reído mucho!!!

Adela Garcia

hace 7 años #34

Relevante, pero que muy relevante!! La madre de todas las ciencias!!! De aquí al estrellato, no dista más que un zumbido beBee Gees!!! Javier C\u00e1mara Rica, voy a volver a ver el video, a pantalla completa, necesito apreciar todo, al mínimo detalle!!!!

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

hace 7 años #33

This is absolutely fantabulous and awesome. Love the video, dance and costumes. You guys are amazing Javier C\u00e1mara Rica. #beBeeteamrocks #bebeeGees

Virag🐝 G.

hace 7 años #32

Who needs better team than this? beBee accepted a user challenge and here's the result! Got some exciting new ideas? Send it to us!
Juan Imaz cracks !
Juan Imaz MOLA o NO MOLA ? :-)
Be professional. Be Personal. Be Successful!
Alvaro INFANTE SANCHEZ, somos los "tronquitos" jajaja
Federico \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn https://www.bebee.com/content/675477/667023

David B. Grinberg

hace 7 años #26

Javier C\u00e1mara Rica

Pedro 🐝 Casanova

hace 7 años #25

The money I ve gotta spend in shrinks sessions to delete this out my mind ¡¡¡¡¡... Nah...is just envy I wasnt there....well..you gotta thanks me too....with my beer belly ..you all be the one going to a shrink to forget what you saw.
\u00c1lvaro Beltr\u00e1n, la próxima vez vas a estar cheerleader, a ver cómo mueves tus caderas ;-)
Randy Keho don't worry, we are 24x7 on beBee ;-)
Team building day at the hive ! https://www.bebee.com/producer/@teresa-salvador/team-building-day-at-the-hive

Donald 🐝 Grandy PN

hace 7 años #21

Agree David Grinberg. This is "Best Practice Leadership".. Blessed to be part of this amazing & authentic group of Professionals.

Randy Keho

hace 7 años #20

Love it. But, don't quit your day jobs.

David B. Grinberg

hace 7 años #19

Wow Javier C\u00e1mara Rica
Dean Owen, we have also team from Mexico, Romania, Italy, France, Brazil and the USA ! :-)
GRANDE GRANDISIMO Federico \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn :-)

Miguel López de la Oliva

hace 7 años #16

¿Dónde empezáis la gira? ¿En el festival de beBeenicasim? xD

Mamen 🐝 Delgado

hace 7 años #15


don kerr

hace 7 años #14

You have just described my moves exactly. My sons forbid me to cut loose due to the high mortification index!

Mamen 🐝 Delgado

hace 7 años #13

Definitely you are not from this planet, or at least not from this wonderful country where we live and that I love so much... You are simply incredible! LOVE YOU TEAM!!!! Vamossssssss!!!!!!! 🎉💖

Kevin Pashuk

hace 7 años #12

Since my dancing looks like a cross between electrocution and having a heart attack, I'm leaning toward "Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf ... complete with motorcycles... but that's just me.

don kerr

hace 7 años #11

Kind of ups the ante for the Beezers. Maybe we could work up a routine with synchronized walkers and the music of - oh, I was gonna say Rush but perhaps Guy Lombardo might be more appropriate;) Jim Murray

Kevin Pashuk

hace 7 años #10

Words escape me... and Lord knows that's a rare thing.

don kerr

hace 7 años #9

Dean Owen Funny because it is true! Love this and seeing the big dudes get jiggy!

Ken Boddie

hace 7 años #8

OK, mis amigos, "You Win Again" because you "Started a Joke" with your "Jive Talkin' ", but, "I've gotta Get a Message to You", from the medical profession here in Brisbane (the home of the BeeGees) who want to know "How Can you Mend a Broken Heart?" so that they can keep all your ageing fans "Stayin' Alive". 🎤

Laurent Boscherini

hace 7 años #7

Excellent ! Good vibes provides beautiful Happening and an happiness team work in and out !

Alfredo Vela Zancada

hace 7 años #6

Yo de mayor quiero ser como vosotros ;-)

Dean Owen

hace 7 años #5

Brilliant! Thankfully you are all Spanish and know how to move! Imagine our Canadian bees doing that!
Jajajaja que bueno!!!
John White, MBA

Donald 🐝 Grandy PN

hace 7 años #2

Awesome post. Javier C\u00e1mara Rica and your team ROCK!

Mamen 🐝 Delgado

hace 7 años #1

Which Planet are you from guys???? Speechless... Superb... I'll be back later...

Artículos de Javier Cámara-Rica 🐝🇪🇸

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