Mamen 馃悵 Delgado

hace 7 a帽os 路 1 min. de lectura 路 ~10 路

Blog de Mamen 馃悵
Pide un deseo // Make a wish (Esp // Eng)

Pide un deseo // Make a wish (Esp // Eng)

Pide un deseo // Make a wish (Esp // Eng)

He estrenado hace unos d铆as un m贸vil que me avisa para que cierre las aplicaciones que est谩n gastando bater铆a innecesariamente porque se han quedado abiertas.

Y yo me pregunto si con la Realidad Aumentada llegar谩 un d铆a en el que nuestro sistema neuronal nos avise y podamos cerrar as铆 de f谩cil aquellos pensamientos, situaciones e incluso personas que gastan y chupan nuestra energ铆a innecesariamente.

Con meditaci贸n y mucha pr谩ctica se podr谩 llegar a conseguir, pero molar铆a que fuera tan sencillo como "cierro conversaci贸n de la junta de vecinos de hace cuatro d铆as que todav铆a me est谩 dando la tabarra", "cierro al que me acaba de hacer una pirula con el coche", "cierro el estr茅s que me ha causado salir corriendo para no perder el avi贸n",... Hay que inventar este software neuronal!!

Molar铆a, no??


I have a brand new phone since few days ago that advice me to close applications that are wasting battery unnecessarily because they have been opened long time without using them.

And I wonder if with Augmented Reality will come a day when our neurological system will notify us to "close" those thoughts, situations and even people who waste our vital energy unnecessarily.

With meditation and a lot of practice you can get it, but it would be cool it was as simple as "I close conversation of the neighborhood committee four days ago that is still spinning around my mind", or "I close the car driver who just skipped the Stop signal", or "I close the stress caused by running to arrive on time to the airport"... And so... We have to invent this neural software!!

Cool, right??


Mamen 馃悵 Delgado

hace 7 a帽os #4

Ohh you are so sweet Margaret Aranda, MD, PhD!!! You touched my heart! Wish you the best in your life. 馃槏

Mamen 馃悵 Delgado

hace 7 a帽os #3

I see... Good luck with the investors!! And with Microsoft... 馃槈

Mamen 馃悵 Delgado

hace 7 a帽os #2

Yes Dean Owen, sometimes I get the feeling but it is unwittingly. Such a pity... Two days ago I gave a speech for about 200 people and it was a very good meditation moment, as you say with your presentations on stage. Have you written already a post about your exit strategy? Please do it if you haven't yet.

Mamen 馃悵 Delgado

hace 7 a帽os #1

It is a feeling I've been having during these days. Glad you like it, sometimes I can flow over the wave easily, but some others I'd love to have this revolutionary neural software. It would be great. Thanks so much for sharing Ali Anani!! (after you told me about the post I wrote "Esp // Eng" to make it easier)

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