Publicaciones de Javier

I have a question for native English speakers. If someone says to you, go to the site "" (please don't try to translate) , what does "cuate" sound like to you ? it just doesn't say anything but it doesn't sound bad ? it just doesn't say anything but it sounds good ? it sounds like something negative ? it sounds like something positive ? thanks !!!!

@Jim Murray @Ken Boddie @John Whitehead @John White, MBA @Franci 🐝Eugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador @Renée  🐝 Cormier @Jerry Fletcher @Royce Shook @Bill Stankiewicz, 🐝 Brand Ambassador  CC @Rafael García Romano 


Jerry Fletcher

hace 2 años #7

I tried to figure out how to pronounce it. Is it Q8 or possibly the sound of a baby's sneeze? Meaning it engenders for me is the same as Renee suggested or possibly something tricky behind the 8 ball.

Neil Smith

hace 2 años #4

Sounds, to my ears, like nothing really. Neither good nor bad.

Royce Shook

hace 2 años #3

You ask an interesting question, which could be answered in a number of ways; what do I think it means, as Franci answers or does it remind you of a different time or place, or does the sound of the word remind you of something else as Ken suggests.  To me the word got me thinking of rhyming words,  such as you ate, buffet. The key is that the word invokes curiosity in the reader, so they may visit to satisfy their curiosity.

Ken Boddie

hace 2 años #1

Sounds like the Arabian Gulf state where I sent a year or so in my early career, Kuwait. 🤗

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