Publicaciones de Mª Mar
Mª Mar Alonso Hoyas

Mª Mar Alonso Hoyas

Psicóloga con habilitación sanitaria

Fuenlabrada, Madrid

Calidad de vida en niños y adolescentes con síndrome de Tourette


Quality of Life in Children and Teenagers with Tourette Syndrome and Possible Factors Involved

In this paper, I postulate that the quality of life of patients with Tourette Syndrome would be altered by three pathways: severity of tics, manifestation of NOSIS and other complex tics, and ability to solve social problems. These three pathways would be related to inhibition function. However, from the results obtained it cannot be concluded that there is a clear deficit in inhibition function in terms of interference control. These children also do not seem to present a worse resolution of social problems, but they would be more dependent on the relationship with their caregivers the more intense, complex, and frequent the tics were. Children with ST of this sample have better perception of themselves, better relationship with parents and better relationship with friends than normotypical children, although they enjoy less autonomy and less economic resources.

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Autolesión no suicida


">Non suicidal self-injury: a short review  To access the item, go to

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