Sobre Agostina Avella:
Soy una apasionada del estilo de vida saludable y fotografía. Hace 2 años cree mi propia plataforma on demand de bienestar holístico donde creo contenido para el area de deporte, nutrición y bienestar emocional & mental, con el fin de acompañar a mujeres a potenciar su vida desde el amor a su cuerpo, mente y alma. Disfruto trabajar con personas apasionadas y honestas, creo que así se pude lograr un gran despeño laboral y a la vez disfrutarlo. Siempre estoy profundizando mis estudios para poder dar lo mejor de mi en cada trabajo realizado.
2012 - 2014
- Receptionist at “The Know How” Institute.
2015 - 2017
- English coaching at “The Know How” Institute.
- Planning and coordination of student´s trips to the UK and USA..
-Community manager at Dream Trips.
-Teacher of English at Maestra Montessori´s school..
-Teacher of English at Beede´ s school.
-Free lance Nutrition Health Coach.
-Biology coaching.
- In company teaching, Bingo Oasis,Acacoop.
-Founder of NOVA BALANCE. Small business activity focused on people's well being. We are committed to providing nutritional,training and emotional health plans that successfully combine mindfulness, self-awareness, mind-body connection, nutrition, personal and professional development, relationships and communication, exercise, spirituality, health promotion, disease prevention.
-Health And Wellness Coach at Connect Care Hero . American company from the United States focused on Driving real engagement for older adults, to help healthcare organizations meet their goals.
-Photographer and content creator for brands. ¨BLUMI BOX¨ (boxes with healthy food from different brands. A percent of each sale was donated to different ONG) ¨SNUKS¨¨ Healthy and gluten free food.
✓ Colegio North Hills,primary school.
✓ Parroquial, High School.
✓Nutrition Health Coach. Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), New York. 2017-2019 ✓ Sports nutrition course. 2019
✓ Personal trainer and Advanced fitness instructor. 2020-2021
✓ Nutrition therapist + Sports and Nutrition Therapist (¨´The health and science academy¨), United Kingdom. 2020-Currently studying.
Language education
✓ First Certificate, Cambridge. 2012
✓ Intensive English course,ADVANCED LEVEL, Saint Giles International Institute, UK.2015 ✓ Intensive English course TOEFL preparation,Saint Giles International Institute, San Francisco, California,EEUU .2018
✓ Portuguese Intermediate level.
Other skills and activities
- Volunteer at CONIN,Infant Nutrition center. (2015)
- Volunteer at Dar sonrisas Children patients with cancer ONG .
(2016-2018) -Photography and Edition course.(2015)
- Photoshop & Lightroom course. (2020)
-Excellent development on social media strategies and photography.